BENTLEY Engineering Consulting

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     ABN:  48 160 765 104   ACN:  160 765 104  

The services of BENTLEY Engineering Consulting Pty Ltd (BEC P/L) are primarily based on the meticulous attempts to accurately interpret the widely accepted engineering literature, as in Academic Texts, Standards, Research papers, etc. Unless stated as the Company’s own intellectual work, BEC P/L takes no liability for the bases and logical backgrounds of the quoted literature that are referenced in the Company’s solutions, reports, website and presentations.


Furthermore, significant efforts would be made to produce the requested services, such as in the area of designing, problem solving, design verification, reporting etc., that will be based on the rigorous and logical justification to each step of the required process. The submitted products, e.g. design drawings, certifications, results, suggestions and recommendations, are intended to be as close as possible to the actual/requested case; however, their basis is still a model. Thus, BEC P/L takes no liability for failures due to manufacturing, fabrication, installation process and unforseen operating conditions.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

Bentley Engineering
Bentley Engineering Consulting



(03)  9530 9402

(08)  9490 9193